The Exigent Duality
Drudgery - 16:07 CST, 3/12/17 (Sniper)
I'm officially done with "Breath of the Wild".

I tried really hard to find the game's bright spots, and wrote a very fair and balanced review. But the game is just so boring; there simply isn't an ample enough positive feedback loop to make any of the game's activites worthwhile, so it just devolves into a depressing slog.

I've gotten to the point where I'm finding shrines, and actually having the internal conversation of whether it's even worth my time to do it. Much less combat-- I just run past all of the enemies now-- or hunting, where I perpetually have a full inventory of cooked food. The story isn't even remotely engaging, so pursuing the main quest line serves no purpose. What's left?

I think I'm going to either reinstall "Mad Max" and start over in that game, or go back to "Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen".