The Exigent Duality
Paper weasels - 11:44 CST, 2/06/17 (Sniper)
This is astonishing-- it never would have occurred to me to treat a freaking game of gridiron as some kind of political event. And yet, look at all of these idiots!
  • "I hate white people having good things happen to them" (no racism here!)
  • "fuck Tom Brady, fuck White Supremacy" (?!)
  • Blaming "white supremacy" for the Patriots winning (even though probably three quarters of their team is black)
  • Equating "liberals" and their "underlying intellectual frameworks can't withstand forty five seconds of logical scutiny" with the descriptors "smart, decent, and civilized", days after they trashed their own college campus to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking (this comment from one of my favorite dipshits incidentally, further reinforcing his obvious stupidity!)
  • References to modern black people "picking cotton" (?)

All of this, because of a sporting event that has nothing to do with politics.

I very nearly can't find adjectives to describe all of this. Low IQ? Lack of character? Thin-skinnedness? Closed-mindedness?