The Exigent Duality
White History Month - 07:14 CST, 2/05/17 (Sniper)
While it makes no sense to me to be proud of something that I did not accomplish, nor do the silly collectivistic abstractions of "race" or "nation"-- natural rights dictate that the only real sovereign is the individual-- have any bearing on my life, the constant bombardment of Cultural Marxist nonsense from my school days, on the internet, in popular culture, and even at my workplace are incredibly tiresome.

In the interest of balance, here is a list of accomplishments, dredged from various places on the web, that "white" people have made. As a caveat, this is just a tiny subset of "white" achievements-- I stopped here just to paint the picture. Enjoy!

  • Invented the personal computer
  • Invented most of the software that drives it
  • Invented the internet
  • Invented the ability to record music
  • Invented motion pictures
  • Invented television
  • Invented the radio
  • Invented the camera
  • Invented the telephone
  • Invented the light bulb
  • Invented the automobile
  • Invented the steam engine
  • Invented rocketry
  • Invented satellites
  • Invented spacecraft
  • Invented airplanes
  • Invented the bicycle
  • Invented skyscrapers
  • Invented the telescope
  • Invented the printing press
  • Invented eyeglasses
  • Invented contact lenses
  • Invented the microwave oven
  • Invented modern food preservatives
  • Invented the microscope
  • Invented laser technology and its myriad of uses
  • Invented nuclear energy
  • Invented wireless technology
  • Invented air conditioning devices
  • Invented refrigeration
  • Invented modern agricultural techniques
  • Responsible for most discoveries related to metallurgy
  • Responsible for almost all contributions to materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
  • Responsible for 95% of medical advancements
  • Responsible for 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
  • Responsible for most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
  • Responsible for the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
  • Responsible for most astronomical discoveries and mapping techniques
  • Responsible for most advancements in sea navigation
  • Discovered DNA
  • Responsible for figuring out how to harness electricity
  • Formulated and instituted modern democracy
  • Formulated and instituted modern capitalism, lifting the world out of poverty for the first time
  • Formulated and instituted the concepts of free speech, the rights of the individual and the right of freedom of association
  • Ended slavery, which existed in most of the non-white world
  • Can claim the vast bulk of the world's most famous explorers
  • Can claim many of world history's greatest military minds
  • Founded the most rich and prosperous countries in the world
  • Lifted dirt-poor third-world countries out of poverty via installation of critical infrastructure
  • Landed on the moon
  • Contributed the vast bulk of world history's greatest artists, such as William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, Ernest Hemingway, Vincent Van Gogh, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Salvador Dali, Joan Miro, Wolfgang Mozart and Johann Bach, just to name a few
  • Contributed the vast bulk of famous philosophers, such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, and so on