The Exigent Duality
Falling at the first hurdle - 05:29 CST, 1/31/17 (Sniper)
Oh oh, someone has a mistaken principle!

I'm actually really impressed by the job this Tucker Carlson guy does here-- this video plays out exactly like a Jan Helfeld interview. Carlson even points out that the guy is taking money by force via taxation! Kudos!

While I'm on a Socratic kick, how about this Helfeld interview, where a Statist equates "climate change" with an individual's house burning down, all the while invoking "the collective" call to action against nebulous, undefined victims? Heck, the guy can't even identify the purported threat, as Jan's questioning reveals.

It's a great example of someone who hasn't thought their world view through-- like, at all in this instance.