The Exigent Duality
Autocrats - 07:13 CST, 11/23/16 (Sniper)
"If we are not serious about facts and what's true and what's not, if we can't discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems." -Barry Obozo

Back when Obozo was new on the scene, I used to read through the transcripts of his speeches, whereupon I found that nearly every sentence-- even when "facts" were stated-- was either partially or totally disingenuous.

For example, Barry would say things like "unemployment is now at a low 6% and dropping!" Technically yes, the U1 measure read "6%". But that measure is nearly worthless, because its net is so narrow. The U6 measure, which captures the long-term unemployed and the underemployed, was nearly 20%. And the sites that lefties now try to discredit were and are actively reporting those facts.

And therein lies the incredible danger of this "fake news" development amongst autocratic lefties: if Obozo had his way, U6 unemployment would constitute "fake news", because it doesn't fit his agenda. What's more, are not his own speeches "fake news", because they are propaganda rather than "serious arguments"?

And yet, I would never dream of trying to censor Obozo. Let him flap his gums-- I just won't listen because he's demonstrably not a credible source of information. Ditto for CNN-- let them publish all of the "editorials posing as news articles" that they want-- I just won't read them, because thanks to Wikileaks, I know that CNN's writers are just mouth pieces for the Democrats.

To flip it, if lefties think that sites like Zero Hedge aren't credible, then don't read them. Better yet though, draw information from a variety of sources, and do your own investigations.