The Exigent Duality
Debt - 11:21 CST, 11/14/16 (Sniper)
The entire world today is built on the issuance of debt, paid for with Monopoly central bank funny money that isn't backed by anything real, which is then spent by government central planners on "investments", implemented by their best buddies.

There are numerous sustainability problems with this model, but foremost among them is the fact that it continually and infinitely requires growth to service the debt's interest. And growth means that more young, productive people need to produce at an ever-faster rate to serve the ever-growing interesting payments, plus the expense of paying for the old, non-productive people.

Any honest man would assess the entire debt paradigm and throw it overboard, whereupon he would replace it with money-based-on-assets-- "this paper bill is merely a placeholder which you can redeem for some actual asset from the treasury"-- and its resultant slow, steady, and sustainable increases in accumulated wealth.

The trouble is, the world is run by the largest-in-human-history criminal enterprise-- a series of what are called "nation states", each with its corresponding influence radius of public-private sub-cartels. And the people who run this cartel are getting insanely rich by skimming off the top of the debt model.

A threat is made to the model? No problem: one nation state president just phones another to keep the scheme alive. There is a problem though... and the scheme is already in the preliminary stages of collapse.