The Exigent Duality
Make the division literal - 06:29 CST, 11/10/16 (Sniper)
Look at this map! I wish the US would just split into separate countries, maybe along existing state lines; all of the people from the blue areas can move to California and just leave the rest of us alone. The vast majority of US states have GDPs the size of or larger than European countries anyway.

Additionally, the popular vote-- Hitlery "won" by 200k votes-- is total bull; as one commenter points out, we need the equivalent of a "voting deflator" to adjust for all of the illegals and dead people that casted ballots.

Splitting the country up would be a far cry from the anarchic civilization I desire, but it would still go a long ways towards creating happier culture, where people are largely living alongside those with whom their values are shared. As opposed to right now, where neighbors basically hate each other because they are from opposite planets when it comes to perspective.

On that note, I once again returned to Minneapolis last evening from the tranquil bug out house-- had to get the internet access going up there-- and drove past several Trayvons walking down my alley, blaring ghetto music and shouting "nigga" at one another. I'm sure there's a nice warm igloo for each one of them in Antarctica.