The Exigent Duality
Confirmed - 09:06 CST, 10/03/16 (Sniper)
This "right on cue" thing happens to me a lot; on the heels of this post, comes a Neogaf thread with many, many dozens of quotes such as the below, discussing the eighth console generation:

"I've been a console gamer since 1980, and after this gen, I may be PC only. That, regardless of how this post might come across, is kinda depressing to me."

"incredibly disappointing. all the new ips have been lackluster and almost everything comes out with a dull thud. thank god for nintendo or i'd probably be done with gaming for the most part"

"It feels like we're still in the launch window."

"It's like the PS4 just came out a few months ago or something, because where are the must own games?"

"Honestly, pretty weak. Most of my iconic experiences still stem from ps2 and ps3. I have a hard time thinking of anything for the ps4 outside of rocket league and even that I have on pc as well."

"Easily the worst gen for me. Last generation had a ton of new franchises. Everything now is a sequel or game that was over promised and under delivered."

"Usually three years in you already had a generation defining game but this time around it seems we are still in that 'last gen game that looks better' phase."

"There's a very severe lack of diversity this gen"

"Worst gen so far, just not enough games and not enough variety. Still nothing from Rockstar. Almost no good new IPs. Really disappointing."

"This is the gen that makes me believe there is a decline in creativity in the majority of the gaming industry"

"I think that is more of an effect of Game budgets becoming bigger and bigger for AAA games and companies being weary of taking a risk on a new IP or creative endeavors with the fear of it failing and becoming a money sink."

"I never feel like buying a home console ever again."

And this is coming from Neogaf, where the hardest of the "core", triple-A console fans hang out! I was very surprised to click on this thread and find so much negativity; it confirms my aforelinked blog post, to an extreme!