The Exigent Duality
Quiz time - 09:13 CST, 9/28/16 (Sniper)
Pop quiz: which of the following environments would be better at protecting people from droves of nomadic terrorists?
  • Private or volunteer security guard details, manning large reinforced walls, surrounding small, mostly or completely self-sustaining cities of people voluntarily living together because of shared values, where everyone knows and watches out for each other?

  • "Public" police, controlled by corrupt government bureaucrats, beholden to the twisted, self-enriching political interests of foreign "institutions" hundreds or thousands of miles away?

Regarding the efficacy of the first, anarchic scenario, I'll leave it for my readers to argue. As for the effectiveness of the second approach, the world is providing us with the answer, real-time. I especially like the "imperils our culture" line, which is a direct acknowledgement of what I observed here.