The Exigent Duality
X - 16:12 CST, 9/27/16 (Sniper)
I was born in October of 1981, and because of that I always get lumped into the "millenials" category-- a group of people with whom I share very few characteristics.

In fact, I have many of the traits listed in the "generation x" Wikipedia article's mid-life section: "independent, resourceful, self-managing, adaptable, cynical, pragmatic, skeptical of authority, and... seeking a work life balance."

Actually, every one of those adjectives describes me. They are further described as people who don't "seek the limelight", and who "quietly do their own thing." Once again, an apt description of me.

Their parenting is described as "stealth fighter"-like: they "let minor issues go" and don't "hover"-- yet, they "intervene forcefully and swiftly" when something serious comes up. That is my parenting style, in a paragraph.

I've also learned from the article that I'm amongst the first group of people to make less money, in real terms, than their fathers at their age. Taking a look at the situation for "millenials", that trend continues to amplify. The descent into third-world territory is accelerating.