The Exigent Duality
Into serfdom - 18:30 CST, 8/08/16 (Sniper)
Holy cow, what terrible advice all around. I'm floored. And this is a guy from Wells Fargo, huh? Ok, a banker... maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Forget the obvious stuff (which is legion), and just pay attention to the fixation with becoming a "millionaire". A million bucks? Big freaking deal! Then the guy says that most millennials want to retire at age 59, and goes on to give the impression that those two dots connect. Uh, you're going to live on a million bucks from age 59 to... 90? After inflation eats your "million bucks"? How in the world does that math work out?

Talk to any legit financial planner, and they'll walk you through the fact-- graphs and all-- that it takes a few million bucks to have any kind of living standard, at all, upon retirement-- and it's not a lavish one either. And that's with the government's "social security" (ironic name), which obviously won't be around by the time these millennials retire. And you sure as shit need to save more than "$26 a week" to get to that amount, no matter how young you are!

On that last point, most people my age, in my income bracket, and who are serious about retiring in their early-to-mid 60s, are packing away 15-20% of their income on retirement alone. That's hundreds of dollars a month.

I-- sincerely!-- hope there weren't any millennials listening to this segment and thinking that it's sound advice. This guy could have done a lot of damage with this astonishingly inaccurate explanation. Wait for these kids when they get out of their "safe zones" and into the real world...