The Exigent Duality
Alternative theory - 09:31 CST, 8/15/14 (Sniper)
I've seen a lot of people online make the assertion that there is some systemic problem involving white police officers shooting black people-- namely, that most white police officers are racists.

I believe that as much as I'd believe the explanation that white police officers are being possessed by evil demons, or that they are witches, or that aliens are brainwashing them. Let me offer an alternative strategy that I think easily passes the "Occam's razor" test.

First of all, I've seen estimates that 50-60% of police officers in America are, in fact, white. I bet there are a lot of black people shot by Asian, Hispanic, and African American cops too. But, nonetheless, most cops are white.

Second, the welfare state has created a situation where the girls and women in the vastly African American inner cities around the country are incentivized to have children out of wedlock.

My wife grew up in North Minneapolis, and amongst her classmates, who were predominantly black (my wife was a "minority" all throughout childhood), it was a rite of passage to get your first welfare check.

I also remember that Schiff had a female, African American guest that was describing the system in New Jersey; all inner city women there started having sex with as many random men as they could right around age 16, with the goal of having exactly four children-- no more, no less-- by the age of 21 or 22. Why four? Because that was the number that maximized the "welfare revenue" versus "expense of raising a kid" ratio.

Now, why random men? Because if the man is in the household, the welfare checks are substantially reduced; a single mother gets the largest amount. Schiff's guest also explained how women will often "cut men in" under the table for some agreed-upon amount, which is how a lot of men make their "living".

These inner city women are smart! They know how to game the system. Which seems contrary to what the politicians running the State seems to believe, otherwise the State wouldn't assume that these smart women need handouts to survive in life. It's a very demeaning, condescending kind of attitude.

Third, growing up in a single-parent household is, far and away, the biggest predictor of juvenile crime. More specifically, growing up in a household without a father is a key indicator. There are an incredible number of independent sources that have come to this conclusion independently, here is a list of just a few.

As a direct consequence of the welfare state situation, a staggering 72% of black children are raised in single-parent households. Unsurprisingly, this is nearly identical to the rate of children without a father in the household. If you're black and in a single parent household, the "single parent" is going to be your mother-- exactly what my wife and Schiff's guest described. The anecdotes "from the ground" and the statistics corroborate each other.

Fourth, many sources, such as former and long-time New York City Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, said that 70% to 75% of all violent crimes are committed by African Americans in the city. So that's New York City, what about nation-wide? The NCVS reports (see chart on page 3) that between a third and half of arrests for crimes in the various categories that they track were for African Americans. Interestingly, blacks were less likely to be arrested for reported crimes than people of other races, so you can't even pin the high arrests number on racism.

Meanwhile, black people make up only 14.2% of the country's population.

Connecting the dots then, if nearly all of the women in urban black communities are having children out of wedlock to get welfare, and 72% of these children grow up without a father, leading to a hugely disproportionate amount of crime committed by these fatherless black kids as they grow up, then obviously you're going to see more situations where black people are either arrested or shot by police officers versus white people.

And if half of the cops are white, the most common combination of situations is going to lead to white cops arresting black crime perpetrators, versus hispanic cops arresting white people, or any other racial combination. That doesn't mean the cops are racist; it's just statistically the most probable situation that will arise.